Tags: Siemens S5/S7 PLC, operator panels, Siemens/SEW inverters, Ascon/Eurotherm temperature controllers
Ageing electronic equipment is a challenge all companies must face, or are unknowingly already facing. Obsolescence of electronic components such as PLCs, operator panels, inverters and temperature controllers does not proceed at the same pace as machine obsolescence. Discontinued electronic components no longer available on the market may make it impossible to use certain equipment when it fails due to normal wear and tear. This was what happened to one of our customers in the engineering sector. In this case, an electronic component in a production machine failed and there was no possibility of replacing it.
We went one step further, by developing a new preventive failure analysis service.
When it was impossible to either repair or replace the component, our customer was faced with a dilemma: either replace the entire machine or manage the production flow problems caused by the equipment malfunction. Placing ourselves in the company’s position, we wanted to avoid a drop in the efficiency of the production system, so we fielded a targeted selection of skills in order to address the problem of repairing the component no longer available on the market.
Component repaired and equipment operational again without malfunctions. With this solution, we not only satisfied our customer, but also extended our reach by providing an additional service. However, we didn't stop there and, aware that we still had some way to go before providing the best possible offer, we went even further, developing a new preventive fault analysis service to intercept this type of problem in advance.